
After years of blogging inspirational messages and prophetic insights from the Lord as a ministry leader, I’ve been called by Him to make a huge change. It was a difficult road at first, but I am totally convinced Holy Spirit has guided me to a new adventure as a Christian Fiction writer. My first book was completed in March of this year. For the past couple of months I have been working with my publisher to ready the book for publication. It’s first in a series called the Thatcher Trilogy. It is on schedule to be released the end of July 2022. To find out more about “Thatcher…and so it begins” check out my website at www.revcherylbirch. org.

With this major transition in ministry, my Notes from Heaven blog will change as well. Over the next month or so, it will become my Christian author blog. Much of the old content will be removed. New content will be both inspirational and become a snapshot of my journey as author…and as a person battling the disabilities associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Believe me, no complaining about RA allowed! What I share will reflect how God has carried me through seven years of increasing challenges. Every step of the way He has helped me to overcome and continue to prosper on His ordained path for my life. Chronic pain has taught me a lot about what’s truly important and I believe the lessons learned will benefit everyone dealing with ongoing challenges.

My poetry blog at will continue as always. It got a bit neglected as I pushed to finish the book, but I will be posting two new poems shortly.

Any questions or comments are always welcomed! Looking forward to hearing what the Lord is speaking to you.

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