

Beloveds of the Lord,

Despite the natural circumstances of our lives, despite the apparent rise in persecution, despite the news headlines, the message I am overflowing with is hope and excitement. The Lord God is working in the earth and it is marvelous! The message I am receiving for the Remnant is Multiplication. Multiplication. Multiplication!

I recently read Chapter 6 in the book of John that describes Jesus blessing 5 barely loaves and two fish to feed some very hungry followers. They were out in the middle of nowhere with no food. A lad was the only person among 5000 men (and no doubt that many women and children with them) who had thought to bring food. He gave the fish and bread to Jesus.  Jesus blessed the bread and the fish.  He then began to break the food items into pieces. When He finished everyone had eaten their fill and His disciples gathered up 12 baskets of fragments. (John 6:1-14)

As I finished reading the story, I saw hands breaking bread over me. Over and over the hands broke bread. And, I heard the word “multiplication.”  As I heard it, I wrote the word in my Bible. For several minutes I sat quietly listening for more from the Lord God.  The room became electric with His presence. I waited and waited quietly concentrating on the Lord and His refreshing and healing presence. The encounter itself was more than enough for me! Then I began to write His message to me and I believe it is to all of us who are praying, interceding, seeking Him, learning and applying to our lives what we learn from Him.

Here is what I wrote:

A season of multiplication is upon you. Yield to My Hand breaking and dividing. I am breaking up old ways. I am dividing the good and the evil so that you can clearly see and know that which is Good. Choose Good! When you choose My Good, I will multiply it in your lives. Your minds will be overwhelmed with Good. Your hearts will overflow with Good. Goodness shall follow you. Goodness shall spring forth from you. Wherever you go, I will pour out My heart of Goodness through you. All that you set your hand to at My direction, I will multiply and prosper. 

This I will do as you choose Me and My ways. Every choice toward Me shall result in multiplication. Your season of prosperity in Me has come. Not prosperity as the world sees it. No, your prosperity shall flow out of your heart and your mouth shall speak it. Overflowing of all you need to accomplish My destiny for you, to walk in My purposes and plans, shall flow. 

Fear not the times you are in. Fret not over hard things you see around you. Ask Me and I will show you Myself in the midst of it all. You will prosper in intercession. Your declarations shall produce results. Your ability to believe and stand strong is multiplying. You shall hear Me clearer. You shall see in the Spirit, hear in the Spirit, and be lead of My Spirit into New Ways of doing nearly everything. Yes! Do life with Me – prospering and multiplying in all that I am and have ordained for you. 

I chose you, now choose Me and I will do MORE than you can dream.

Several days later, while I was attending a prayer gathering at a local church, I saw the hands breaking bread again. The message of multiplication, an endless supply of all that was needed for the ministry of that house, came to me for the Pastor and his congregation. More than that it confirmed to me that this message is for all who are praying and interceding.

Get ready intercessors and praying church! Overflowing multiplication is upon us!

With love and joy to you always,

Rev. Cheryl

Joyful Recompense

Jumping for Joy

Beloveds of the Lord,

Today I waited on the Lord nearly all day to hear from Him.  I knew there was something important that I wasn’t hearing. Late in the afternoon, when He began to speak, or more precisely, I began to hear, He directed me to a prophetic word I received in late December 2012 and posted in January of 2013.  At the time I called it: Renewed in Joy! Today HE called it Joyful Recompense. 

He also qualified the prophetic word so that I would know for whom He gave it.  Many prophetic words are released as if for the entire church which I did back in 2013. But, I have learned since that they are sometimes for a specific group. Sometimes, not all the church are able to receive what is promised. In this case, He tells me not all will sacrifice and do what it takes to step into their Highest Call in Him.  Not all in the church have the commitment to their walk with our Lord that will produce in them His prophetic promises.

Therefore, this message, this recompense, is for the Remnant and for all in the Body of Christ who will ask for it plus do what is needed to receive it. Age is not a factor nor how long a person has been born again. It is for those who have endured, are faithful to Him, take time to sit at His feet, to KNOW Him, and who apply His word to their lives, accepting the changes that He requires,  who desire transformation, listen to His voice and do what they hear Him say – these ones who intercede, care little about recognition, give HIM glory, reach out to the poor, obey His voice, share the Good News when He opens the door – they are about to… Continue reading



Today the Lord  spoke to me: Your perceptions must be My Perceptions.

For the past week Holy Spirit has been reminding me of revelation He gave me years ago about our Noema – that is the Greek word used in the Bible to describe how we perceive things. It is a complex combination of what are the facts and what we feel about those facts. Interestingly, how we feel about the facts can outweigh those facts. Sounds, smells or fragrances, good and bad memories, mindsets, habits, and imagination form an oleo that becomes our truth about a situation, our lives, or other people.  Once we believe something is true we begin to live our life according to it – whether it is really true or not.

Many in the body of Christ have or are about to step through a wide open door into a new season of walking with the Lord and being demonstrators of who He is. On the Other Side of the Door is increased glory on earth and the Beginning of Signs.  We will be freer than ever as we will have cleansed hearts and minds. We will have let go of heavy burdens at the feet of Jesus. We have learned how persevere, to remain humble, to rest in Him and we will have received His light yoke in exchange for our busy work, work, work religious attitudes. (Read Beginning of a Light Yoke Era)  The first days on the other side of the door flowing in glory will be so full of JOY!  There is always celebration when burdens are gone and we are released into a new season. The people of the world will be drawn to what they see in us. The harvest will increase as we share our joy in Jesus! We will be living Psalm 126.

As I visioned with the Lord, suddenly I saw… Continue reading

Refreshing Wind


What I have observed is that weariness and a sense of oppression has been rampant among the remnant and intercessors. Truly it is vital that we continue to pray for each other as we go through increasingly difficult times of fear hitting our nation and more spiritual darkness comes upon the earth.

We have been in a season of steadily increasing challenges, a very unsettling time.  This message is not to tell you that the world will be “normal” again, or that this season will go away and be all be over and done with soon. That is not the truth. The Lord has told me many times since the mid-1990s we are going to see very dark days and perplexing things in our nation and this world, BUT the church will glow brighter and brighter with His Love and Presence. We will be more and more His anointed representatives, Christ-like Ambassadors, and people will run to His Light.

Don’t give up and pull-back! We must continue to stand in faith, believe and pray,  for our prayers are benefiting our communities, state, and nation in magnificent ways we can’t yet see. Though He tells me many of you are tired to the bone, know that Jesus and Holy Spirit stand with you and all of heaven is responding to your prayers. All you may see, feel, hear and smell is war and resistance, but what you are doing is helping others receive from God what they could not receive or cannot receive without prayer intervention. Your sacrifice is worth it!

Hang on just a little longer is what I am hearing. There is a very specific and special refreshing wind for the intercessors and the remnant praying church that is about to be released by the Father. When it comes, be prepared for amazing change in YOU and around you. This wind is what many of you have been waiting for. He has told you about it and it is about to blow freely through the remnant church to give us strength and ability to stand for Him in these times.

Father God is very proud of you and pleased with you. Trust Him and keep seeking Him. The reward of His loving touch in your life and the resulting outpouring of salvation, blessing and favor around you is a treasure worth great sacrifice. He is worth walking through this trialing time.

Stand fast in Him and believe He loves you and has your best in mind.

With love and JOY,

Rev Cheryl